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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Critical Path

The Critical Path is one where the jobs or tasks absolutely must be done in a rigid time frame. This is not to mean there is skimping for all resources necessary are mandatory. The tasks are completed on time (or as extremely close thereof) and the highest standards are used to complete this task. All the way down the Critical Path, each task is completed using this standard.

If a task within a completed job is not critical, more lenient time standards and possibly more lenient "standards" can be used. (i.e. Critical Path - Getting the frame of the house up. Non-Critical Path - Maybe putting in the floors).

For "standards" I mean the ultra-serious attitude the carpenter must have when measuring the frame and layout of the house. Whereas the floorer doesn't need that ultra-serious way to put down the floors. It does not mean it is not done as well, it means that the task is much more easily done.


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